Real Estate Brokers


We Help Your Clients Purchase US Real Estate

Global Buyers of US real estate face many challenges–foreign exchange controls, foreign exchange risk, cash requirements, legal requirements and more.

IREC helps Global Buyers succeed by combining innovative specialty financing, expert nationwide real estate advice, and international financial expertise.


US Real Estate Brokers

Help your foreign clients purchase US real estate assets by using specialty financing to leverage their buying power. Higher commissions, easier transactions and satisfied clients–contact us for details.


Global Real Estate Brokers

Qualified non-US citizens can use specialty financing to leverage their buying power and acquire US real estate assets using IREC programs. Expert nationwide real estate advice, innovative specialty financing, and international financial expertise allow your clients to succeed. Plus, we pay referral fees globally–contact us for details.

Work With Us

Take advantage of our innovative financial solutions, expert real estate advice, and international financial expertise with no upfront fees. We help you make informed decisions and achieve success in your real estate goals.